About us

We are parents, individuals, care providers, and loved ones of those with insulin-dependent diabetes. We are volunteering our time to protect insulin options to ensure patients have access to the life-saving medication that best serves them.

We believe everyone who uses insulin as a life-saving therapy should have access to the insulin of their choice, to the insulin that serves them best.

Sixty-two insulins have been discontinued in the past several decades, none for safety or effectiveness. We don't have many more to lose.

The most recent discontinuation notice from Novo Nordisk is for insulin Levemir (detemir). Novo Nordisk has been the sole manufacturer of this insulin for 19 years. We are asking them to slow the discontinuation until a biosimilar (generic) is available.

Some suggested solutions: Novo Nordisk could license Levemir to another company until a biosimilar is available. Or they could continue to produce Levemir temporarily while having another company package and distribute it, ensuring that there is a smooth transition from Levemir to the biosimilar.

It should not be difficult to find a short-term solution until a Levemir biosimilar is available from another manufacturer.

Your donation will go toward helping with costs associated with legal fees for setting up a nonprofit, website maintenance, and other expenses associated with moving this campaign forward.

No matter how little or large, your help will make a difference!