This quest to slow the Levemir discontinuation until after a biosimilar is widely available rests largely on an upcoming Senate HELP Committee Hearing on September 24, 20024 in Washington DC.

This hearing is being held to discuss the high price of Ozempic and Wegovy, but the Levemir discontinuation is related and could be addressed.

Each of the 21 Senators on the HELP Committee have the opportunity to speak publicly at this hearing with Lars Jorgensen, CEO of Novo Nordisk, about Levemir. If several senators bring up Levemir during their turn to comment or question Mr. Jorgensen, it will get picked up by the press, and it will also lead to a greater likelihood of Novo extending the discontinuation of this essential insulin and cooperating with the manufacturing of a biosimilar (generic).

Without this action by our senators we could lose access to this unique insulin. Complications of diabetes in pregnancy, and of diabetes in general, will increase. The way of life for many with diabetes will be much more difficult.

All we are asking for is a generic. For other companies to be able to produce this unique insulin before it disappears. In order for this to happen, Novo Nordisk must extend the discontinuation for three years. A generic can likely only come to market if the original product is widely available.

We are pleading for our way of life. For our safe insulin that is easy to adjust due to its shorter time of action. For the children needing an insulin that can be diluted. For those unable to use an insulin pump due to being newly diagnosed, or having gestational diabetes and only needing insulin short term, for those athletes who have an easier time without a pump, for those who can’t afford one or who have skin issues, or those who simply prefer not to use a pump but are unable to use the two available long-acting insulin alternatives due to their longer time of action or side effects, we are asking for help in keeping this life-sustaining insulin available.

Here are senators on the HELP Committee who have the unique ability to speak up for us and address this on September 24th:

Bernie Sanders, Vermont

Patty Murray, Washington

Bob Casey, Jr, Pennsylvania

Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin

Christopher Murphy, Connecticut

Tim Kaine, Virginia

Maggie Hassan, New Hampshire

Tina Smith, Minnesota

Ben Ray Lujan, New Mexico

John Hickenlooper, Colorado

Ed Markey, Massachusetts

Bill Cassidy, Louisiana

Rand Paul, Kentucky

Susan Collins, Maine

Lisa Murkowski, Alaska

Mike Braun, Indiana

Roger Marshall, Kansas

Mitt Romney, UT

Tommy Tuberville, Alabama

Markwayne Mullin, Oklahoma

Ted Budd, North Carolina

For the over 1 MILLION in the US who used Levemir three years ago, the many more around the world, and the millions more who will need this in the future, we plead for assistance.